Sign up for the next workshop!

15/06-ON LINE. 
In Spanish.

Thank you!
An activity where the process and the experience is the main goal. ♾️ (Beside you will take home a nendo-dango seed ball already empowered with elements of nature represented by the polyhedra)💫
Polyhedra in Transition is a modeling workshop about the five regular polyhedra, the Platonic solids. The activity consists of a manual exercise in which, after preparing a composite material with clay, soil, and seeds, the polyhedra are modeled one by one following a sequence.
The main goal is to experience the transition between solids while transforming edges, faces, vertices, and angles.
It is a mindfulness activity to experience the transformation and metamorphosis of a unique amount of material along the five solids related to the four elements: soil, water, air, and fire. In the end, participants will bring with them a polyhedric seed bomb empowered with the elements of nature. 
(IT) Laboratorio di geometria e mindfulness: è un esercizio di modellazione in argilla dei cinque poliedri regolari (solidi platonici) seguendo una sequenza. Una sfida alla calma e alla pazienza per sperimentare la trasformazione e la metamorfosi d’un pezzo unico d’argilla tramite i cinque solidi platonici che sono in relazione con i quattro elementi: terra, acqua, aria, e fuoco.

(ES) Taller de geometría y concentración: es un ejercicio de modelado en arcilla de los cinco poliedros regulares (Sólidos Platónicos) siguiendo una secuencia. Un reto a la calma y la paciencia para experimentar la transformación y metamorfosis de una pieza única de arcilla a traves de los cinco sólidos platónicos que se relacionan con los cuatro elementos: tierra, agua, aire y fuego. 

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